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Your Stories Your Voice Contest
Share your Story about Diversity, Multiculturalism or Discrimination

Yours Stories Your Voice Poster (FINAL).jpg

Your Stories, Your Voice" Children's Book Contest Winners:


First Place: Stephanie Shieh


Second Place: Rebecca - The Mask


Third Place: Anonymous - The First Day of School





Do you have a story or an experience from your childhood you wish to share?  Is it about inclusiveness, discrimination, diversity, multicultural experiences or challenges? If so, Asian Community Impact Society (“AIS”) would love to hear your story.  


​We are looking for stories from the community that we can develop and form part of a children’s story book. This book will be shared with the community once it is published and will be written for primary grade level readers but will be meaningful to all readers.


The children’s story book is part of AIS’ ongoing work to share stories from Asians and

other visible minorities of their experiences living in Canada. We hope by sharing our stories with the next generation we will see a future world of love, kindness and understanding amongst all people, no matter their cultural background.




Contest is open to all ages. A parent, friend or a supporter can help type or record a video on behalf of the contestant.


There is no entry fee.




1.  The story must include at least one of the following themes:  diversity, inclusiveness,

multiculturalism, or discrimination.  

2.  Written submission should be approximately 500 words. Video recording submission

should be approximately 2 minutes or less.  

3.  Contestants may submit up to 2 entries.

4.  Please submit your story by completing the form below.

 - Accepted format: Word, PDF   

 - Video submission: recommitted format MP4

5.  By submitting your story to the contest you agree to AIS using the ideas or themes of

your story either in part or in its entirety in AIS'. All rights and copyrights of the book belong exclusively to AIS.  




September 1st – 19th, 2022




1st Place contestant's story will be developed into the story for a childrens book with

acknowledgement + copy of the book + $25 gift card.


2nd and 3rd Place contestants will receive a copy of the book + $25 gift card.

Contest Winners will be announced first week of October 2022.






This project is made possible through the generous financial support from the B.C.

Ministry's B.C. Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Grant. We thank you for your support!


Contest Registration Form

PDF or Word Files Only
Video File Only

If you have technical difficulties, please email all your information and story to

Thanks for registering to our Your Stories, Your Voice Contest. 

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